Summary: A court ruling placed a freeze on the assets of a law firm after their attorney that was involved in a...
Summary: On December 20, Apple admitted they use algorithms to slow older iPhones. This week, Apple admitted that it intentionally slowed down...
Summary: A class action lawsuit for UK iPhone users was filed against Google for unlawful data collection. The UK is not happy...
Summary: This week Uber disclosed it had paid hackers $100,000 to not publicly disclose a data breach that affected 57 million people...
Summary: A top legal executive at Fox News is taking a voluntary leave in the midst of sexual harassment allegations that have...
Summary: The lawsuit against Saudi Arabia presented roughly 5,000 pages of evidence backing up their claim that the government helped the terrorists...
Summary: The three lawsuits against Donald Trump and his Trump University finally came to a settlement for $25 million. President Donald Trump...
Summary: Hagens Berman claims that Tesla is misleading consumers, so they are exploring the possibility of a class action lawsuit. Hagens Berman...
Summary: A remote-controlled vibrator line was accused of collecting extremely personal user data. Imagine how mortifying it would be if a sex...
Summary: A flopped movie is the least of Veritas Entertainment, Mike Huckabee, and a number of others problems as a class action...
Summary: Law firm Chadbourne & Parke had a $100 million class action gender discrimination lawsuit brought against them by former and current female...
Summary: Former World Wrestling Entertaimnet wrestlers have filed a class action against the organization for long-term brain damage and the lack of...