Summary: A drug smuggler who bragged about her wealth on Instagram has been sentenced to eight years in prison. A female judge...
Summary: The former attorney of accused-murderer Casey Anthony, who has since been disbarred, was convicted of drug smuggling.                             The disbarred Rancho Santa...
Summary: A legal recruiting executive at Wegman Partners was accused of harassing a female underling for years. Update 10/26/17 at 1:55pm: the...
Summary: Mel B said her husband helped their nanny stay in the country so that he could sleep with her on the...
Summary: A city council candidate’s use of multiple names made it difficult for her past conviction by the Army for cocaine possession....
Summary: After injecting a friend with heroin who ended up overdosing and dying in her home, a lawyer in Hamilton, Canada is...
Summary: These drug smugglers went with an easier approach to hiding the drugs but perhaps a little harder to walk and hide...
Summary: Â A Florida man with an unfortunate last name was caught running a stop sign on a bicycle and then fleeing on...
Summary: A Florida bank customer forgot to take out their little baggie of cocaine when they deposited their cash into the ATM....
Summary: A judge’s associate in Australia deceived his mentor, a retired judge, in order to get a character reference that got him...
Summary: The attorney that defended Casey Anthony now finds himself in trouble with the law again after being caught planning to smuggle...
Summary: Donald Trump has connections with many less than ideal individuals, but only one received a reference letter claiming the two time...