
Democrats in the Senate Re-Draft Obama’s Talk of Authorizing Attack on Syria

The actions of the president must always be clothed in the appropriate language when given to the public. This is…

US Takes Executive Actions on Gun Control

On Thursday, during the swearing in ceremony of the new head of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and…

Congress Threatens to Curtail Government Surveillance Authority

Today members of Congress said that they never imagined that the National Security Agency would pick up and record millions…

Pentagon Says North Korea Close to Building Capacity for U.S. Nuclear Strike

A Pentagon report made to the Congress on Thursday observed that North Korea’s Taepodong-2 missile was close to developing capabilities…

Harry Reid Calls House of Representatives a ‘Dictatorship’

On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that the House of Representatives is a 'dictatorship.' Reid spoke on the…

New Senate Bill Will Give Feds Access to your Emails and Facebook without Warrants

Our internet civil liberties are at stake again, as Congress slowly builds the sorts of laws that will underlay the…

Roger Clemens Retrial Begins

Monday marked the beginning of famed baseball pitcher Roger Clemens’ second perjury trial over the charge that he lied to…

Insider Trading Ban Soon to Be Approved

After some redrafting, the Senate has sent a Bill to the President that will ban government officials from inside trading.…

John Boehner Says Members of Congress Some of Dumbest People in America

According to Speaker of the House John Boehner, America is being led by the country’s dumbest people, who are members…

SOPA Halted After Last Week’s Uproar

In an effort to fend off illegal activities on the Internet, Congress created two anti-piracy bills. However, many across the…

SOPA and PIPA Bills Highly Criticized

Senators and members from the House of Representatives are moving away from two anti-privacy bills that are making their way…

Four Members of Congress Receive Benefits from Countrywide

The former Countrywide Financial Corp. sent four house lawmakers VIP discounted loans, even though the lender’s subprime mortgages were largely…