contraceptive mandate

‘Contraceptive Mandate’ Sent Back to Lower Courts

Summary: The highly controversial ‘contraceptive mandate’ has been sent back to the lower courts to be decided by the Supreme…

Supreme Court Strikes Down Contraceptive Mandate

A 5-4 decision was made by the Supreme Court on Monday morning in the case of companies being forced to…

Catholic Nuns Get Temporary Relief from Contraceptive Mandate

Acting on an emergency appeal from a group of Catholic nuns, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor granted a temporary exemption…

Federal Judge Strikes Down Contraceptive Mandate with Terse Comments

Judge Brian Cogan of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York struck down the contraception…

White House Offers Compromise on Contraceptive Mandate

On Friday, the Obama administration offered a change in the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Healthcare Act to allow religious…