Taylor Swift emerged victorious in a high-stakes legal battle after an author, Teresa La Dart, accused the pop star and her production...
A federal judge in Manhattan, New York City, has ruled that the nonprofit Internet Archive’s book scanning and lending program constitutes copyright...
Summary: Melissa McCarthy’s new movie is sparking a strange puppet war. Melissa McCarthy’s upcoming movie “The Happytime Murders” tells the story of...
Summary: The t-shirt lawsuit against Kendall and Kylie Jenner has been dismissed. The t-shirt lawsuit against Kendall and Kylie Jenner has been...
Summary: Miley Cyrus was hit with a $300 million lawsuit from a reggae singer. In 2013, Miley Cyrus sang, “It’s our party...
Summary: Prince Phillip Mitchell is suing Kanye West and Solange Knowles for allegedly using his music without his permission. Kanye West and...
Summary: PETA and a wildlife photographer have settled the monkey selfie case. A monkey taking a selfie should’ve been nothing more than...
Summary: Toni Basil is suing Disney and other media companies for unauthorized use of her catchy hit song. No matter what decade...
Summary: Attorney Maurice Harmon was preparing to board an international flight with a loaded semiautomatic handgun when he was arrested by officials....
Summary: A Minneapolis funk band says that Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson lifted elements from their 1980s song to make “Uptown Funk.”...
Summary: Two writers of the song “Amazing†created for British star Matt Cradle are suing Ed Sheeran for too many similarities with...
Summary: Blackberry is suing Typo a second time for product infringement. Blackberry is suing Typo again. After their success in 2007, when...