
U.S. Congress Introduces Controversial Copyright Bill for Golf Courses

U.S. Congress Introduces Controversial Copyright Bill for Golf Courses

In the realm of congressional activities, the introduction of legislation addressing a non-existent problem can be a source of frustration.…

Revenge Porn Victim Awarded $6.45 Million

Revenge Porn Victim Awarded $6.45 Million

Summary: The victim of revenge porn and a law student in California received the second highest judgment in a non-celebrity…

Taylor Swift Sued for Allegedly Copying “Shake It Off” Lyrics

Taylor Swift Sued for Allegedly Copying “Shake It Off” Lyrics

Summary: Taylor Swift is being sued AGAIN for allegedly plagiarizing "Shake It Off." Taylor Swift's career has been a series…

Can Offensive Words and Images Be Trademarked?

Can Offensive Words and Images Be Trademarked?

Summary: Mixed messages are coming out on whether fashion designer Erik Brunetti should be allowed to trademark his brand “FUCT.”…

Kim Kardashian Sued for Endorsing Selfie Lighting Accessory

Kim Kardashian Sued for Endorsing Selfie Lighting Accessory

Summary: Snaplight Inc. is suing Kim Kardashian for $100 million.  Kim Kardashian is well-known for her sexy selfies, but what's…

Monkey Selfie Copyright Lawsuit Headed to Appeals Court

Monkey Selfie Copyright Lawsuit Headed to Appeals Court

Summary: The "monkey selfie" lawsuit is heading to appeals court on Wednesday.  The monkey selfie lawsuit has gone bananas! After…

One Prenda Law Attorney Admits Guilt in Plea Deal

One Prenda Law Attorney Admits Guilt in Plea Deal

Summary: One accomplice in the Prenda Law porn copyright scheme has admitted guilt, placing the other accomplice in a tough…

Cher Wants $5 Million Logo Lawsuit Dismissed

Cher Wants $5 Million Logo Lawsuit Dismissed

Summary: Cher's legal team asked a New York judge to dismiss a $5 million copyright infringement lawsuit filed against her.…

Kylie Jenner Accused of Copying Photos for Cosmetics Line

Kylie Jenner Accused of Copying Photos for Cosmetics Line

Summary: Kylie Jenner, who attempted to copyright her name, has been accused of copying an LA-area makeup artists photos for…

Emma Watson Threatens to Sue Celebrity Website for Posting Nude Photo

Emma Watson Threatens to Sue Celebrity Website for Posting Nude Photo

Summary: Emma Watson threatened website Celeb Jihan with legal action after it leaked a photo of her nipples.  Website Celeb…

Robin Thicke, Pharrell Williams Appeal “Blurred Lines” Decision

Robin Thicke, Pharrell Williams Appeal “Blurred Lines” Decision

Summary: Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams have appealed the verdict in the "Blurred Lines" legal battle. Robin Thicke and Pharrell…

Photographer Sues Getty Images for $1 Billion after Billed for Using Own Photograph

Photographer Sues Getty Images for $1 Billion after Billed for Using Own Photograph

Summary: A photographer is suing Getty Images after learning they had been licensing her free photographs without permission. Photographer Carol…