Summary: Yale Law School is taking a strong stand by selecting their first female dean, one who is highly qualified to rule...
Summary: After this academic year ends Harvard will find themselves without a law school dean, joining Yale Law School in the search...
Summary: JoAnne Epps, the Beasley School of Law Dean, was promoted by Temple University’s President to the No. 2 position. A change...
Summary: After some major changes in the past few years at St. Louis University’s Law School, the school is staying competitive with...
Summary: The end of the academic school year is the typical time for the transfer of deans at law schools across the...
Summary: More law schools are considering the advantages of having two deans over just one dean that leads the school. A number...
Summary: The University of Illinois in Chicago announced that Dean Susan Poser at the University of Nebraska College of Law will be...
Summary: The Dean of the law school at Duquesne has been named as the President of Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Duquesne University...
Summary: Two interim deans will now lead Case Western University as its full-time deans, after their leadership led to significant improvements within...
Summary: Dean Paul G. Mahoney of the U.Va. Law School is returning to teaching and scholarship after leading the school for eight...
Summary: Citing disagreements with some of the school’s faculty, the University of New Mexico School of Law has announced that Dean David...
Summary: Law schools nationwide have suffered various scandals, from deans being arrested for soliciting prostitutes to professors secretly recording women in a...