deferred hirings

Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup

Good morning everyone! Today is Tuesday, May 25th. Here's a quick look back at yesterday's stories. Insurance and Regulatory Authority…

Fewer Summer Jobs For Law Students

Fewer Summer Jobs For Law Students

Second year law students attending the William S. Boyd School of Law at UNLV can expect few summer internships in…

Consultant: Don’t Let Deferrals Make You Lazy

If you're an incoming first year associate and your start date has been deferred, use this time to impress your…

Norton Rose Offers Trainees Cash to Defer Start Dates

Norton Rose has offered trainees due to join the firm in 2009 and 2010 up to £10,000 to defer the…

Simmons: You’re Hired! Wait — Can You Come Back Later?

Simmons & Simmons has asked its March 2009 trainees to consider deferring until 2010. The firm offered its 17 trainees…