Summary: The McDowell family continues their generosity towards the University of Akron’s law school with a $2 million gift. The estate...
Summary: Villanova University receives $5 million donation for the creation of an ethics center. Villanova University isn’t kidding about their goal to...
Summary: Arizona State University’s College of Law receives a $3 million gift. Arizona State University is receiving its second largest gift...
Summary: Drexel University of Law has received a $50 million donation from celebrated lawyer Thomas R. Kline. Drexel University has received...
In a report from the Huffington Post, billionaire Sheldon Adelson spent $150 million into the presidential campaign for the Republican Party in...
Everyone has seen the television commercials for Progressive Auto Insurance. They feature an actress donned in white garments. The chairman of the company...
According to the New York Law Journal: Dozens of New York lawyers have reached into their pockets to help new President Barack...