dreier fiasco

Former Dreier Partners Could Face Liability

The New York Law Journal has consulted with experts, and finds that lawyers who fled Dreier LLP as soon as…

Dreier Formally Indicted On Securities & Wire Fraud Charges

Dreier Formally Indicted On Securities & Wire Fraud Charges

Everyone's favorite lawyer Marc Dreier, founder of New York's Dreier LLP, was indicted by a federal grand jury yesterday. The…

Marc Deier Spent Ill-Gotten Gains on Art, Cars, Houses

Marc Dreier blew part of the $380 million he allegedly stole in failed investments, and used the rest to repay…

Dreier Stein’s Stein Jumps Ship; May Bring Others

Dreier Stein’s Stein Jumps Ship; May Bring Others

Larry Stein, the name partner of Dreier, Stein, Kahan, Browne, Woods, George, has joined Los Angeles' Liner Yankelevitz Sunshine &…

Six from Dreier Land at Mintz Levin’s New York Office

Six Dreier LLP survivors have joined Boston's Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo PC, in the New York office.…

Merged Firm Escapes from Dreier Fiasco

Merged Firm Escapes from Dreier Fiasco

About 20 lawyers at Dreier Stein Kahan Browne Woods George, the Santa Monica, California-based affiliate of Dreier LLP, are leaving…