economic recovery

Legal Sector Job Losses Continues to Decline

Legal Sector Job Losses Continues to Decline

The number of job losses in the legal services industry continued to decline in February, according to the latest report…

Revenue and Profits Down at Goodwin Procter

Revenue and Profits Down at Goodwin Procter

Goodwin Procter's gross revenues fell 4% in 2009 to $658 million and per partner profits dropped 3% to $1.27 million.…

What Recession? K&L Gates Tops $1 Billion in Revenue

What Recession? K&L Gates Tops $1 Billion in Revenue

Unemployment is hovering at just over 10%, some states have seen home foreclosure rates as high as 25%, the economy…

23 New Partners at Latham & Watkins

23 New Partners at Latham & Watkins

Latham & Watkins & Watkins promoted 23 of its associates to partner this week. With twelve promotions coming in corporate…

New Partner Class at Sullivan & Cromwell

New Partner Class at Sullivan & Cromwell

Sullivan & Cromwell announced its latest class of partners and four of the five promotions are women. The firm highlighted…

Law Firm Mergers are up in Third Quarter

Law Firm Mergers are up in Third Quarter

According to a new report from Altman Weil 13 US law firms announced mergers in the third quarter. Although still…