Elliott Rodger

Toronto Van Attacker Charged with Murder

Toronto Van Attacker Charged with Murder

 Summary: The Toronto van driver who killed almost a dozen pedestrians has been arrested.  On Monday, Alek Minassian allegedly…

“The Onion” Uses Shocking Headline to Discuss Gun Violence After Isla Vista Shooting

“The Onion” Uses Shocking Headline to Discuss Gun Violence After Isla Vista Shooting

The gun debate continues to rage in the United States and is atop the news once again following the deadly…

Father of UC-Santa Barbara Shooting Victim Tearfully Speaks to Reporters

Father of UC-Santa Barbara Shooting Victim Tearfully Speaks to Reporters

Just hours after his son was killed by Elliott Rodger near the University of California, Santa Barbara campus, Richard Martinez…

Elliott Rodger Kills Six During Violent Rampage in Isla Vista

Elliott Rodger Kills Six During Violent Rampage in Isla Vista

On Friday night, the mother of Elliot Rodger received a phone call from her son’s therapist. The therapist said that…