Summary: The Affluenza Teen will be released from jail on Monday. A teenager whose wealthy background was blamed for him killing four...
Summary: After receiving ten years of probation in juvenile court, affluenza teen Ethan Couch was given a nearly two year sentence in...
Summary: The “Affluenza†teen Ethan Couch has made his return to the United States to face the consequences of breaking communications with...
Summary: This year, criminals shocked us with their dirty deeds, which in one case was literally crappy. 2015 was a shocking year...
Summary: Ethan Couch and his mother are fighting extradition to the United States after a pizza delivery call got them discovered in...
Summary: After weeks of a searching, authorities have detained Affluenza Teen, Ethan Couch, in Mexico. Â The Affluenza Teen has been detained....
Summary: The Affluenza Teen allegedly has fled the country, thus violating his parole. The male ginger manifestation of Veruca Salt may have...
Summary: Parole officers can’t contact Ethan Couch, and a video suggests he further violated the terms of his probation at a drinking...
Summary: Learn more about Ethan Couch and the latest developments in his case in this article. Due to a recent video posted...