Summary: The family of Michael Brown has settled their wrongful death lawsuit against the city. In August 2014, unarmed black teenager Michael...
Summary: Above the Law’s Elie Mystal Attacks the Waco Police for Indiscriminately Shooting into the Crowd at the Biker Massacre. Elie Mystal opened a...
Summary: The city of Ferguson has a long road ahead to mend the relations between government personnel and black members of the...
Summary: Ferguson hires Winston and Strawn lawyer at $1,335 an hour to litigate reforms. While Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson got off the...
Summary: The students and faculty of Saint Louis University Law School are torn about an upcoming visit by prosecutor Bob McCulloch, who...
Summary: Columbia University School of Law has announced that students will be allowed to delay their final exams if they have suffered...
Summary: Benjamin Crump, the attorney for the family of Michael Brown, has stated that the family will continue to pursue various legal...
Summary: Ferguson grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson is answered by night of mayhem, looting, and fires. After the...
Summary: The governor of Missouri has declared a state of emergency while the state awaits the grand jury’s decision in the Michael...
Summary:Â Police officers across the country are preparing for the potential for violence when the St. Louis County grand jury issues its ruling...
Summary:Â An 11-year-old boy from Ferguson, Marquis Govan, sat down with a reporter recently to discuss all things Ferguson, including jobs and police....
Summary:Â Lawyers who have traveled to Ferguson, Missouri to help protesters with their case, have been taken into custody multiple times this past...