Summary: Kylie Jenner is expected to become America’s youngest self-made billionaire. At the age of 20, Kylie Jenner landed the cover of...
Summary: With more and more people owning smartphones, law firms should consider offering legal services through them. Customers nowadays expect a chat...
Summary: Forbes states that with the changing legal industry, law firms that fail to update their technology risk losing business. This year,...
Summary: Forbes listed 7 crazy tax laws that should be abolished next year. Do you agree or disagree with them? Benjamin Franklin,...
Summary: These ten schools will cost its students almost $250,000 to attend. Unless you come from money, the one guarantee you’ll have...
Summary: The Forbes 400 List of wealthiest Americans adds two new members with J.D.’s. Forbes released its list of the 400 wealthiest Americans this...
According to the November 10th article, “Zynga to employees: Give Back our stock or you’ll be firedâ€, Zynga CEO Mark Pincus,...
As posted at, more and more law firms are putting doctors on the payroll to aid in the defense of government...
Evan R. Chesler, a Presiding Partner at New York’s Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, has made a bold suggestion in January’s Forbes...
Today in Rod Blagojevich news: The Washington Post reports that the mysterious “senate candidate” that Blagojevich is recorded on tape saying offered...