Summary: Deutsche Bank, in the midst of their largest legal bills, will have two new general counsels by the beginning of next...
Summary: Roderick “Rick†Palmore is heading back to the law-firm life after working for the past 15 years for corporations like Sara...
Summary:Â The law firms of DLA Piper and Perkins Coie made major announcements on Wednesday morning. On Wednesday morning, the law firms of...
Summary: Tony West, the third-highest ranking official of the Unites States Department of Justice joins PepsiCo as the company’s general counsel, corporate...
Summary: DuPont’s General Counsel, Tom Sager, joins Ballard Spahr. Ballard Spahr announced on Wednesday that Tom Sager, the former General Counsel at...
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., announced this week that it has appointed Doug Eveleigh as general counsel and secretary. Eveleigh will be part of...
Banking attorneys working in-house are often more free to relocate than banking attorneys in private practice. This is because of the obvious...
It was announced via a press release from Pfizer Inc. that general counsel Amy Schulman will be leaving the company. Schulman was...
The Association of Corporate Counsel released figures that show general counsel base salaries increased even though bonuses dropped over the past year,...
A partner from Williams & Connolly has been tapped by News Corp. to serve as the company’s group general counsel. The partner,...
Tom Gerke, former Sprint Nextel Corp. executive has been hired by H&R Block Inc. as their senior vice president and general...
It was announced on Tuesday by Textron Inc. that Siemens Corp.’s former general counsel is joining its company as the executive vice...