Summary: According to NPR, Bill Cosby hired a media savvy lawyer, Monique Pressley, to help with his image. Accused rapist Bill Cosby...
Summary: Bill Cosby was deposed for 7 hours on Friday in conjunction with the civil sexual abuse case against him. According to,...
According to a new lawsuit filed by a former employee of Donald Sterling, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers fired an...
There is no “mile high†club for flying solo. If you’re going to be some creep masturbating on a plane, perhaps you...
Like Donald Trump, in his dealing to make Obama’s college transcripts public, Gloria Allred, with her “October Surprise,” is surprising us with...
Similar to World Wrestling Entertainment, in which a last minute revelation between two contenders adds a penultimate twist to the ensuing battle,...
A federal lawsuit against John Travolta was dismissed in court last week when the plaintiff dropped out because there was confusion regarding...
Almost exactly one year after the California Supreme Court heard arguments regarding the right for gay couples to marry, many of the...