
Aaron Hernandez Hires Peculiar Attorney to Defend Him Against Charges of Shooting his Friend

Aaron Hernandez is hiring some strange guns to defend him against Alexander Bradley, a Connecticut man and his personal friend,…

Woman with Knife, Possibly Mentally Ill, Shot Dead by Police at Costco

It seems once again a person with mental illness was killed by police, perhaps needlessly. Mhai Scott, 38, worked for…

Jim Carrey Makes Parody Video and Song Attacking Gun Advocates

Comedian Jim Carrey fired the first 'shot' at gun enthusiasts. Carrey appeared in a sketch comedy for the website "Funny…

Wayne LaPierre Says Michael Bloomberg “Can’t Buy America” with $12 Million Ad Campaign

The CEO of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre, said that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg "can't buy America" when…

Lone Star College Shooting Leaves Three Shot

A shooting in Lone Star College has left three with gunshot wounds and a fourth hospitalized for an unrelated medical…

Portland Men Walk Around Town Carrying Assault Rifles

On Wednesday of last week, two men from Portland tried to raise gun rights awareness by walking around the streets…

Katt Williams Arrested and Jailed on Child Endangerment Charges

Katt Williams was arrested on Friday on charges of endangering his children. Apparently, an investigation from the L.A. County Dept.…

NRA Flays Media, Videogame-Makers; Hints Guns Can Create Jobs

On Friday, the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre made a pitch at the press conference that made people wonder how this guy…

Piers Morgan Loses it on Gun Lobbyist Larry Pratt

Piers Morgan has been trying to get members of the NRA to come onto his show following the Sandy Hook…

NRA Makes Its First Comment after Connecticut Massacre

On Tuesday, the National Rifle Association posted on its website its first comments on the Connecticut school shooting. The statement…

Two Wounded in San Antonio Movie Theater Shooting

In what feels like gun overload, yet another theater shooting took place late Sunday, in San Antonio, Texas, where two…

New York Mom and Former Prosecuter Arrested For Holding Teen At Gunpoint

New York mom and former prosecutor was reportedly so fed up with someone ringing her doorbell and running away that…