
Widener Law and Dauphin County Bar Association Create Lawyer Incubator

The Dauphin County Bar Association and Widener Law in Harrisburg will create an incubator program in the fall for new…

Jerry Sandusky Waives Preliminary Hearing in PSU Child Sex Abuse Scandal

According to the December 13th cbsnews.com article, “Sandusky waives hearing, delays facing accusers”, Jerry Sandusky, former Penn State assistant football…

Lawyer to Help Fight State Takeover in Harrisburg

Mark Schwartz is the newest lawyer to be hired to help handle the Harrisburg debt disaster. If this disaster is…

Dickie McCamey Expands into Ohio With Merger

Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote, P.C., one of Pittsburgh’s largest law firms, has expanded into Columbus, Ohio, through a merger with…