Harrison Barnes PLC

Robert Kinney’s Lawsuit Dismissed after California Court of Appeal Grants Anti-SLAPP Motion Filed by Harrison Barnes PLC

Harrison Barnes PLC, on behalf of its client BCG, prevails against Robert Kinney after the California Court of Appeal granted the…

Erwin Chemerinsky, the Most Influential First Amendment Scholar in the United States, Submits Amicus Brief in Support of Harrison Barnes

Erwin Chemerinsky, the Most Influential First Amendment Scholar in the United States, Submits Amicus Brief in Support of Harrison Barnes

Malibu, CA – Harrison Barnes, the founder and principal of Harrison Barnes PLC, is currently involved in a case in…

Harrison Barnes PLC Files Lawsuit Against Hollywood Producers for Stealing Script

Harrison Barnes PLC Files Lawsuit Against Hollywood Producers for Stealing Script

Harrison Barnes PLC filed a lawsuit in a U.S. District Court in Los Angeles on behalf of two screenwriters who…