Summary: Attorneys often end up with egos that are too large for happiness to be maintained in their careers and lives. When...
Summary: The best and most successful law firms and attorneys do not embrace a separate life from their work because the work...
Summary: These tips can help attorneys that find themselves fired, laid off, or abruptly without a job to gain direction towards a...
Summary: The legal market has a big effect on whether or not an attorney can move to a new law firm, especially...
Summary: There are ten reasons that attorneys are preferred by law firms over other attorneys. There is often a big difference between...
Summary: There are 15 reasons as to why BigLaw lawyers struggle to maintain personal relationships, ending up with a high rate of...
Summary: Taking case studies and applying them to the career advice Harrison Barnes gives is one way attorneys can learn why his...
Summary: There are ten key reasons that an attorney should be open to other markets when looking to lateral. Attorneys must be...
Summary: BCG Attorney Search founder Harrison Barnes has released a landmark new book,  “Law Firm Diversity: How Race, Gender, Age, Social and Economic...
Summary: There were significant changes to which law firms sought help from legal recruiters and the types of attorneys BCG Attorney Search...
Summary: Attorneys often miss out on the best career advice, leading to simple mistakes that can ruin the chances of success in...
Summary: Learn about the top ten reasons behind why an attorney should start their own law firm to decide if the step...