Harvard Law Review

Harvard Law Review Elects Second Black Woman President in Its History

Harvard Law Review Elects Second Black Woman President in Its History

In a significant milestone for diversity and representation, the Harvard Law Review has elected its second Black woman president in…

Harvard Law Review Elects New President

Harvard Law Review Elects New President

Summary: The Harvard Law Review named Michael Thomas, a second-year law student, as the journal’s new president. The Harvard Law…

Ropes & Gray Loses 1 Partner to Treasury, Gains Another

Ropes & Gray Loses 1 Partner to Treasury, Gains Another

Tax partner Stephen E. Shay is leaving Ropes & Gray to join the US Treasury as deputy assistant secretary for…

Law Firm Hirings & Firings

Law Firm Hirings & Firings

Recent laterals and layoffs in the legal sector: Christopher Cox, the former Bush administration SEC head, joins Bingham McCutchen as…

ATL’s Law School Students of the Year

ATL’s Law School Students of the Year

Above the Law has announced its Law School Students of the Year, although the accolade is clearly a sarcastic one.…