Harvard Law School

Cortlan Wickliff Graduates Harvard Law at 22

While most 22 year-olds are struggling to find work after completing college, Cortlan Wickliff will be taking the bar exam.…

Harvard Law Students Vote to Divest From Fossil Fuel Companies

The Harvard Law School student body voted through a referendum asking the school’s administration to divest from the fossil fuel…

Harvard Law School Holds Conference on Liberal Law Faculties

Harvard Law School will hold a conference today that asks the question: Are law school faculties too liberal? Joey Alicea,…

Senator Ted Cruz Called ‘New McCarthy’ by The New Yorker

The office of Senator Ted Cruz spoke with TheBlaze about an article published by The New Yorker recently. The article…

New Survey Reveals Top Law School in U.S.

Professionals were recently surveyed by Business Insider regarding which law schools they consider to be the best in the country.…

John Donald Cody, Accused of Fraud, A Harvard Law Grad

A fugitive known as Bobby Thompson, accused of running a $100 million scam that collected donations for veterans of the…

Ford Foundation to Heavily Fund Do-Gooding from Top Law Schools

The Ford Foundation has decided to give a leg up of help to those law students most in need of…

Teaching Credentials of Elizabeth Warren Questioned in 1990

Robert Clark, the former Harvard Law School dean, said during an interview in 1994 that the school was working to…

Former Harvard Law School Professor, Roger Fisher, Dies

Roger Fisher, a Harvard Law School professor and author has passed away at the age of 90. Fisher taught law…

Harvard Law School Forms Partnership with Qatar Foundation

The Qatar Foundation and the Institute for Global Law and Policy from Harvard Law School have formed a partnership. The…

Majority of Graduates from Harvard JD-MBA Program Choose Business Careers

The joint degree program at Harvard started in 1969 and still offers a J.D.-M.B.A. to roughly 12 graduates per year.…

Harvard Professor Alan Dershowtiz Criticizes Angela Corey

Alan Dershowitz, a legal commentator and attorney, has criticized State Attorney Angela Corey for how she had handled the prosecution…