haynes & boone

Law Firms with the Most Female Partner Promotions in 2016

Law Firms with the Most Female Partner Promotions in 2016

Summary: Which law firms promoted the most female partners in 2016? It is common knowledge that there is a lack…

Energy Commodities Attorney Kirsten Polyansky Joins Haynes and Boone in Houston

Summary: Prominent Energy Commodities attorney Kirsten Polyanski has joined the Houston office of Haynes and Boone as a partner in…

Former SEC Enforcement Attorney Joins Haynes & Boone in Fort Worth

Summary: Shoshana Thoma-Isgur, former SEC enforcement attorney, and recently partner at K&L Gates, has joined the Capital Markets and Securities…

A New Dallas Star for Haynes and Boone

A New Dallas Star for Haynes and Boone

With the hiring of Tim Powers as the fourth managing partner in its 44-year history, the law firm of Haynes…

Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup

Good morning everyone! Today is Thursday, January 28, and here's a look back at yesterday's headlines... President Obama took on…

Four Partners move From Paul Hastings to Haynes & Boone

Four Partners move From Paul Hastings to Haynes & Boone

Four real estate partners in New York, including Steven Koch, the head of Paul Hastings real estate practice, have moved…

Haynes & Boone Cut First Year Salaries

Haynes & Boone Cut First Year Salaries

First year associates at Haynes & Boone will be starting after Thanksgiving, but at a reduced rate. The firm emailed…

Daily Roundup

Daily Roundup

Good Morning!  Here's a recap of yesterdays stories. Haynes & Boone expanded, adding four new lawyers as of counsel... Ball…