insider trading

Former Simpson Thacher Employee Guilty of Insider Trading

Former Simpson Thacher Employee Guilty of Insider Trading

Summary: The former managing clerk at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett pleaded guilty for his role in an insider trading scheme…

Nine People Charged in Insider Trading Related Case

Nine People Charged in Insider Trading Related Case

Summary: Criminal charges were brought against four Brooklyn traders and five hackers in Ukraine for stealing not yet released information…

Government Officials Concerned About Implications of Overturned Insider-Trading Convictions

Government Officials Concerned About Implications of Overturned Insider-Trading Convictions

Summary: The Second Circuit decision to overturn the 2012 convictions of two former hedge-fund traders has dangerous consequences for how…

Former Managing Clerk of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett Charged in Insider Trading Case

Former Managing Clerk of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett Charged in Insider Trading Case

Summary: A former employee of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett has been charged in an insider trading case that netted $5.6 million. …

Former Brazilian Billionaire’s Trial Underway

Former Brazilian Billionaire’s Trial Underway

Summary: Eike Batista, previously worth $30 billion, is now $1 billion in debt after his businesses collapsed. He currently faces…

Former Mortgage Broker Admits Using Post-Its to Facilitate Insider Trading

Summary: Frank Tamayo has admitted to using Post-It notes and napkins to pass stock tips as part of an insider…

A Second Wilson Sonsini Employee has been Charged with Inside Trading

A Second Wilson Sonsini Employee has been Charged with Inside Trading

Summary: Wilson Sonsini has a second employee charged with inside trading. How much of a deterrent is the federal government’s…

Prosecutors Lose First Insider Trading Case in Years

Prosecutors Lose First Insider Trading Case in Years

Back in 2007, a case began involving Rengan Rajaratnam that centered around insider trading, according to The New York Times.…

Simpson Thacher Managing Clerk Charged in Insider Trading Scheme

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has charged a stockbroker working at Morgan Stanley, and a law firm managing clerk…

2nd Circuit Says SEC Can Recoup Money Even Where Insider Trader Didn’t Have Direct Benefits

  Earlier this week, a divided (2-1) 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals passed a ruling that allows the U.S.…

Ex-Broker Charged for Using Insider Information in Burger King Takover

The $4 billion purchase of Burger King by 3G Capital Partners was announced on September 2, 2010. According to Manhattan U.S.…

Morrison’s Employee Arrested in Insider Trading Probe

  "A 49-year-old employee at William Morrison Supermarkets Plc was arrested as part of a U.K. insider-trading probe, according to"…