Yale University, renowned for its academic excellence, has announced a significant change in its admissions policy. Starting with the class entering in...
In a significant development, Brown, Yale, and Columbia universities have collectively agreed to pay $62 million to settle a lawsuit accusing them...
A New Hampshire resident, William Giordani, confessed on Wednesday to his involvement in a plot last year where he unwittingly planted a...
Don’t go to Yale. That is the ultimate advice former Yale Professor William Deresiewicz has given in his controversial article in the...
The job market has been unforgiving for people in all industries and the same can be said for those in the legal...
    At Harvard College the median grade is an A-, and an A is the most frequently awarded, said...
It appears that law schools are hiring people exactly like themselves. It would be ideal for law schools to employ a variety...
A new law school is opening at the University of California Irvine next fall. And it’s waiving tuition for three years to...