john travolta

Woman Claims Scientology Forced Her to Get Abortion

Summary: A woman claims that the Church of Scientology forced her to get an abortion when she was 17 years-old.…

10 Incredibly Awkward Celebrity Kisses

Summary: Do you enjoy things celebrities do? If so, we have 10 pictures of awkward celebrity kisses in today's slideshow post…

New Music Video Featuring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John

Things keep getting incredibly bizarre for actor John Travolta and this time he decided to include his old friend Olivia…

Former Pilot of John Travolta Files Lawsuit Against Actor

John Travolta is being sued by a former pilot who claims that he had a private gay relationship with the…

Latest Travolta Gossip: He had a Six Year Homosexual Love Affair

Well when the media dogs catch a scent, they don't let up. The latest celebrity gossip over John Travolta is…

Travolta in Drag: Is this Shocking?

In an amazingly overblown bit of nonsense, pictures have arisen showing John Travolta dressed in drag. Decked in a white…

New Lawyer for Travolta Accusers Sued by Their Former Lawyer

A federal lawsuit against John Travolta was dismissed in court last week when the plaintiff dropped out because there was…

John Doe #2 in Travolta Scandal Identified

The second unnamed accuser in the John Travolta sex scandal has finally been identified to the public. John Doe #2…

Fiance for Jeff Conaway Claims John Travolta Tried to Perform Oral Sex on Him

The former fiancé of Jeff Conaway, the co-star of John Travolta in Grease, claims that Travolta attempted to perform oral…

Second Travolta Lawsuit to be Settled Out of Court

According to a recent report, John Travolta and one of the masseurs who accused him of sexual assault have agreed…

Second Unidentified Man Accuses Travolta of Sexual Assault

A second man has come forward with a story that John Travolta masturbated in front of him after he gave…