Summary: A state attorney who was allowed by a judge to act as a judge and preside over three traffic cases will...
Summary: After attacking a mentally disabled man at flea market, a Mississippi judge will be removed from the bench. Mississippi’s highest court...
Summary: One federal appellate judge has no respect for the Constitution and instead refers to it as an old, outdated set of...
Summary: Another judge has ruled that bitcoin meets the definition of being legitimate money in a criminal case against leader Anthony...
Summary: A California judge with a history of having sex with his intern and an attorney in his chambers was reelected. The...
Summary: A Las Vegas judge had a defense attorney placed in handcuffs and placed next to inmates in court for unprofessional behavior. A Las...
Summary: Las Vegas Judge Diana Hampton was found dead in her home on Sunday. A stripper-turned-judge was found dead in her home...
Summary: A New York Judge will be viewing court from the other side as she defends herself against a driving while intoxicated...
Summary: A Utah judge stands alone after letting his personal beliefs on homosexuality interfere with the well-being of a foster child. Welfare...
Summary: A Jefferson County Judge wanted to see more black members on a jury so he dismissed the called jury and had...
Summary: A rural Alabama judge tried to give everyone a break from paying fines, but failed to consider the consequences of requiring...
Summary: After years of an unsolicited sexual relationship between a judge and clerk, the clerk presented semen stained clothing as proof that...