Summary: As the Supreme Court comes together for a new term, they will be tackling major issues plaguing the court systems. A...
Summary: The highly controversial ‘contraceptive mandate’ has been sent back to the lower courts to be decided by the Supreme Court. The...
Summary: Mr. Chemerinsky, dean at UC-Irvine School of Law, complains about Justice Scalia’s lack of respect to others with differing beliefs, but...
Earlier this month, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit in Denver defeated the same-sex marriage ban in the state...
Justice Antonin Scalia said in a commencement speech last week that the fault lies with the legal educators for watering down their...
The legal writings of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had to be defended on Monday because some people find them anti-gay...
It’s official – today is the day the Supreme Court justices consider the widely debated challenge to the Obama administration’s health-care overhaul....
Justice Antonin Scalia spoke Wednesday at a conference organized by the Institute of American and Talmudic Law, about American and Jewish Legal...