kim jong un

North Korea Turns Trump’s Words into a Declaration of War

North Korea Turns Trump’s Words into a Declaration of War

Summary: North Korea is claiming that President Donald Trump’s tweet over the weekend was a declaration of war against them.…

South Korea Continues its Preparation for Possible Unification with North Korea

South Korean President, Park Geun Hye readies the nation for a possible reunification. “Unification will allow the Korean economy to…

North Korea Blunder for Dennis Rodman

Former NBA star Dennis Rodman’s dream of “basketball diplomacy” is falling apart, according to CNN. His friendship with North Korea’s…

Dennis Rodman Angrily Defends Basketball Game in North Korea

Dennis Rodman defended a visit to North Korea with a team of former NBA players with a combative attitude of…

North Korean Power Struggle and the Execution that Followed

An Intelligence agency in South Korea suggested a business dispute between Jong Un and his uncle may have been…

Dennis Rodman Brings Friendship and Basketball to North Korea

Dennis Rodman (ex-NBA star) has been making continuous trips to North Korea on his quest for “basketball diplomacy.” According to…

Kim Jong Un, President of North Korea, Executes his Uncle Jang Song Thaek

In a turn of events which was not surprising, though not expected so soon, the regime of Kim Jong Un…

North Korea Launches Projectiles into the Ocean

North Korea Launches Projectiles into the Ocean

North Korea continues to follow up on its years of threats and intimidation by launching rockets into the ocean for…

North Korean Farmer Resorts to Cannibalism to Avoid Starvation

North Korean Farmer Resorts to Cannibalism to Avoid Starvation

Grisly reports have been coming out of North Korea about responses to the "hidden famine" in the farming provinces of…

North Korea Offers New Year’s Olive Branch to South Korea

North Korea Offers New Year’s Olive Branch to South Korea

Though it isn't the first time North Korea has done so, it does give a flicker of hope to know…

Rumors of Kim Jong-un’s Assassination Highly Exaggerated

Rumors of Kim Jong-un’s Assassination Highly Exaggerated

It’s been the buzz all day Friday: the twenty-something plump tyrant of North Korea has been assassinated! On an embassy…

North Korea to Punish Insincere Mourners

According to multiple reports, North Korea is going to punish insincere mourners. An unnamed source has come forward to tell…