In a surprising turn of events, Kim Kardashian, a renowned reality TV star and fashion mogul, is making waves in the realm...
Summary: Kylie Jenner is expected to become America’s youngest self-made billionaire. At the age of 20, Kylie Jenner landed the cover of...
Summary: An airline company is suing Kim Kardashian for a large unpaid bill. Do the Kardashians keep up with their bills? One...
Summary: A judge ruled that Blac Chyna cannot blame the Kardashian family for the cancellation of her show, Rob & Chyna. Blac Chyna’s...
Summary: A judge has dismissed Blac Chyna’s lawsuit against Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner. Kim Kardashian and her mother Kris Jenner were...
Summary: A man named Jean Paul is suing Ray J for allegedly stealing his scooter company idea. Rapper Ray J is being...
Summary: Kim Kardashian wants the lawsuit filed by Blac Chyna against her to be dropped. The Kardashian klan is fighting back against Blac...
Summary: Stars are calling online for a former child prostitute to be freed from prison. In 2004, 16-year-old Cyntoia Brown shot and...
Summary: Blac Chyna is suing Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner, and Rob Kardashian because her reality show was canceled. Blac Chyna is not...
Summary: Social media is increasingly being used as evidence in legal cases. In mid-October, Blac Chyna threatened to sue the family of...
Summary: Blac Chyna blames the cancellation of Rob & Chyna on the Kardashian family, not on her poor relationship with her ex-fiancé. ...
Summary: Hugh Hefner died on Wednesday night of natural causes. Playboy founder Hugh Hefner showed the world that hedonism is a legitimate...