Summary: A good recruiter is able to create a unique selling proposition (USP) to get their clients find the best law firm...
Summary: Vinson & Elkins welcomes experienced transactional lawyer in oil and gas, Bryan Loocke to their firm as a partner. Bryan Loocke, an...
Summary: Before you start your law firm job search, think through these five issues. In a new article on BCGSearch, Harrison Barnes...
Summary: Highly awarded litigator Adrian Yip is leaving Winston & Strawn to be a partner with Morrison & Foerster. In a press...
Summary: The Philadelphia office of Novak Druce Connolly Bove + Quigg has been closed after all the attorneys left for other law...
Summary: Ropes & Gray has secured an additional floor in Rockefeller Center for its practice. Ropes & Gray is growing by 40,689...
Summary: Get the all the information you need on the firm name, website, firm size, practice areas, address, phone and fax number,...
Summary: Roderick “Rick†Palmore is heading back to the law-firm life after working for the past 15 years for corporations like Sara...
Summary: After three arrests in three years, Robert Ughetta leaves Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft where he was partner. A Charlotte, North Carolina...
Summary: The transition from one law firm to another may not always be the best choice. Make sure your current employment has...
Summary: Use this online directory with the firm name, URL, email address, phone number, fax number, address, size, and practice area for...
Summary: Chris Schaeper will join DLA Piper’s corporate practice in Houston, Texas. DLA Piper is pleased to announce that Chris Schaeper has...