Summary: Dickstein Shapiro is strongly considering merging by the end of the year. Oft troubled firm Dickstein Shapiro remains undefeated despite losing...
Summary: The quarterly report conducted by Citi Private Bank was not a good sign when compared to the growth in reports done...
Summary: The legal market is forcing law firms to resort to desperate and powerful measures to secure big paydays and more business....
Summary: After being falsely accused by a now-fugitive, Facebook is not about to let the attorneys that represented Paul Ceglia get away...
Summary: Harrison Barnes tells us why attorneys aren’t getting interviews at law firms. Read the full article: Top 12 Reasons Attorneys Do Not Get...
Summary: With a growing trend of U.S. law firms merging to consolidate financial resources and expand their international presence, firms Pillsbury Winthrop...
Summary: Patent attorneys are not like other attorneys. They should be thought of as scientists. Read the full article here: Top 10 Reasons Most...
Summary: Am Law 100 law firms are seeing growth but not as promising as would have been hoped for when most have...
Summary: Midlevel associates ranked their law firms based a number of criteria to create a list of the top 100 law firms...
Summary: Starting salaries in Pennsylvania law firms are seeing an increase to match other big city locations, making the state a more...
Summary: With the law firm size, website, practice areas, and contact information, finding a litigation practice in Salt Lake City is easier...
Summary: A new network formed by four law firms in different countries called The Legal Alliance of the Americas aims to give...