Golden Gate Law School’s full-ride scholarship program initially brought excitement to Lyndsey Glasgow as she prepared to attend Golden Gate University School...
Summary: There are known trends placing law school applicants that are minorities at a disadvantage over white students, but what can be...
Summary: A new theory based off of one Ohio State Law School class suggests that some students can handle using a laptop...
Summary: Meditation, free food, therapy animals, and more are programs that law schools have started for their students to enjoy during finals....
Summary: A group of Yale law school students formed the Mental Health Alliance to address the issue of lacking resources for students...
Summary: The latest data is showing that the highest number of law school students since the recession are entering into summer associate...
Summary: An extra security presence at University of South Carolina School of Law is now in place due to a visit from...
Summary: Mr. Chemerinsky, dean at UC-Irvine School of Law, complains about Justice Scalia’s lack of respect to others with differing beliefs, but...
Summary: Joe Bankman, a Stanford Law professor, has created a workshop that helps students reduce anxiety by implementing cognitive behavioral therapy techniques....
Most lawyers know that the current economic crisis has hit the legal industry particularly hard, and now it appears that those considering...
The Law School Admission Council released research data that shows aspiring lawyers enjoy their family wealth more, are more self-confident, and a...
Law schools across the United States are desperately trying to repair their broken images because of reports that have been released about...