Summary: The University of Denver Sturm College of Law settled a lawsuit alleging they were paying female professors less than male professors....
Summary: UCLA School of Law has opened their admissions requirements up to accept the GRE as a test score instead of the...
Summary: Charlotte School of Law has filed a lawsuit similar to Florida Coastal’s against the American Bar Association. With the example of...
Summary: Those looking to be family law and/or child advocacy attorneys need to start before law school to develop the special skills...
Summary: A number of law schools are demanding law firms reveal if they are requiring summer associates to sign arbitration and nondisclosure...
Summary: Since the university created its doctorate in juridical science a few years ago, they now have their first graduate. The University...
Summary: The University of Virginia Law School will receive $44 from Bruce and Martha Karsh and the university’s board of visitors. The...
Summary: Many believe law school curriculums to be stale and lacking in the proper skills to prepare graduates for the real world...
Summary: Georgia State law school’s graduating students will get to hear from alum and attorney general of Colorado, Cynthia H. Coffman. Georgia...
Summary: A group of Florida State University students are pushing to have any connections to racism removed, including renaming the law school...
Summary: A former University of Texas law school official was arrested after an ongoing investigation uncovered fraud, possibly involving millions of dollars....
Summary: Mississippi’s law schools continue to decline in bar passage rates, causing the schools to react and implement strategies to help their...