US law schools are adopting a new system to identify students struggling with mental health challenges. Initially developed for medical schools, the...
Fifteen-year-old Jimmy Chilimigras from Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, plans to attend law school this year after achieving an outstanding score of 174...
Three law schools have managed to comply with the American Bar Association’s (ABA) accreditation standard requiring a two-year bar passage rate of...
The American Bar Association’s Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar recently released data on the pass rates of first-time...
The latest Princeton Review law school rankings have been released, and one category of particular interest to prospective students is the law...
The Princeton Review has recently released its latest law school rankings, and one of the categories that aspiring law students may want...
The past years have seen a surge in college graduates deciding to pursue law school, particularly women. This is especially true since...
For law students, legal education and the practice of law might seem worlds apart. Many times young lawyers first entering the legal...
Summary: A recent report indicates that less than half of law school graduates have a good job lined up soon after graduation....
The University of La Verne College of Law announced today that its adoption of a flat, no discount ‘True Tuition Model’...
The sun still shines brightly on the most selective schools, which, so far, have been generally sheltered from the law school crisis....
Guest Post By: Harold Smith When you think Denver several things may come to mind: the Rocky Mountains, the Denver Broncos and,...