Summary: Six officers face lengthy prison sentences for the death of Freddie Gray, who died from injuries he suffered while in police...
Summary: Local and federal authorities are investigating a quadruple-homicide in Washington, D.C. The nation’s capital has suffered a horrific tragedy. Savvas and...
Summary: Los Angeles has voted to raise its minimum wage to $15 per hour by the year 2020. Â According to MSNBC, on...
Summary: Four charities that allegedly donated all of its proceeds to helping cancer patients actually kept nearly all of the money raised...
Summary: The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that a controversial anti-Muslim video may be viewed on YouTube’s website, due to...
Summary: Nicole Eramo, the associate dean of students who was included in a Rolling Stone article about an alleged rape at the...
Summary: Sister Helen Prejean, an advocate against the death penalty, testified on behalf of the Boston Bomber at the end of the...
Summary: According to the Department of Labor, over 2,000 jobs were added to the legal field in April. According to the Wall...
Summary: A federal court has determined that the Obama administration’s definition of “relevant†is too broad when it comes to compiling the...
Summary: The Department of Justice has announced that it will launch a civil rights investigation into the Baltimore Police Department’s actions. The...
Summary: After a default judgment was entered against a company for allegedly infringing patents of a drone maker, a jury awarded close...
Summary: A federal court will determine whether “smutty†or “immoral†trademarks may be banned. According to, the U.S. Court of Appeals...