
Uber Getting Kicked Out of London

Summary: The Transportation authority in London has not allowed Uber to renew its license, due to concerns over how it…

10 Women Added to Legal Tech List

Summary: Ten women have been added to the Women of Legal Tech list who showed exemplary tech and leadership skills.…

Canada Moves to Legalize Marijuana

Summary: President Trudeau of Canada introduced a bill to legalize marijuana use for at least adults over 18 but the…

Chadbourne to Merge with Norton Rose

Summary: Legal powerhouse Norton Rose Fulbright announced their plans to merge with Chadbourne & Parke in the second quarter. Significantly…

Attorneys Cannot Leave Their Job If They Want a Future in a Law Firm Again

Summary: Attorneys that want to continue in a position with a prestigious law firm cannot leave their position with a…

Why No One Will Sue Kanye West for His ‘Famous’ Video

Summary: The use of images and people that resemble a likeness to a celebrity are being allowed more and more…

Supreme Court Votes 6-2 to Toss Lawsuit against Colorado’s Marijuana Laws

Summary: The Supreme Court made it clear that they were not interested in hearing any arguments in their court over…

Apple Fights for Their Constitutional Rights

Summary: Using a First Amendment and All Writs Act argument, Apple is fighting back against the government’s attempts to force…

Marijuana Shops Will Pay Up to 70 Percent Tax

Summary: An old law from the 1980’s aimed at stopping drug dealers from getting tax breaks is now hurting legal…

Baker & McKenzie Welcomes Politician to Their Toronto Team

Summary: Peter MacKay is a lawyer and politician in Canada who has served in Parliament for several years but is…

Ireland Celebrates Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

Summary: With the law making same-sex marriage legal going into effect in the Republic of Ireland, those in support can…

Marriages Can Not Become Divorces until One Spouse Moves Out in This State

Summary: California Supreme Court ruled that until one spouse is no longer living in the house, a marriage is still…