Summary: Police have identified Sunday’s Baton Rouge shooter as Gavin Eugene Long, an admitted member of sovereign citizens. On Sunday morning, there...
Summary: Two videos of police officers killing a black CD salesman have sparked outrage across the country. On Tuesday, two Baton Rouge...
Summary: The Orleans Public Defender’s Office is being sued by the ACLU for refusing cases. The Orleans Parish Public Defender’s Office in New...
Summary: While many lawyers are helping the the poor with legal services, there is still much work to be done before the...
Summary: With the attack of a Texas judge outside her Austin home, police have made the arrest of an individual that happened...
Summary: Two Louisiana officers are accused of second-degree murder in a shooting with no known motive that left a young boy dead....
Summary: Former attorney and prison warden Alan Abadie has been jailed for child pornography. Imagine being an inmate in the jail where you were once the warden....
Summary: Baton Rouge Police responding to a noise complaint made the gruesome discovery inside the house of a severely malnourished teenage boy....
Summary:Â A new law that is scheduled to take effect on Monday in Louisiana could be stalled, which would keep the state’s abortion...
Summary:Â Matthew Edward Alexander has been arrested on charges of arson and murder. He is a student at St. Mary’s University Law School...
A criminal fraud case is being developed by federal prosecutors to determine if General Motors issued misleading statements about a deadly ignition...
At least 16 people have been killed by a massive tornado that moved 80 miles across Arkansas and caused a ton of...