Madoff Investment Securities

Attorney General Recuses Self from Madoff Probe

Attorney General Recuses Self from Madoff Probe

US Attorney General Michael Mukasey has recused himself from the Department of Justice probe into the Madoff investment scandal. Mukasey's…

“Meltdown Task Force” Becomes “Madoff Task Force”

The WSJ Law Blog writes about Susman Godfrey: Susman Godfrey is trying to put its "financial fraud task force," which…

Madoff Charged in $50 Billion-with-a-“B” Fraud, Sued by SEC [UPDATE]

Madoff Charged in $50 Billion-with-a-“B” Fraud, Sued by SEC [UPDATE]

Bernard Madoff, founder and president of a New York firm that invested funds for wealthy individuals, hedge funds and other…