
Ontario’s Western Law School Offers Meditation Class

Summary: Students at Western University Law School in Ontario are now able to take a class their first year that…

12 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Summary: It’s not too late to come up with a New Year’s resolution for yourself. Make sure you choose a…

Law Schools Turn to Fun Activities to De-Stress from Finals

Summary: Meditation, free food, therapy animals, and more are programs that law schools have started for their students to enjoy…

15 Reasons You Should Meditate

Summary: Reducing your stress levels is one of 15 reasons you should meditate daily. Find out the others in this…

Boutique to Cut Client Billing Rates in 2009

Austin, Texas-based appellate boutique Alexander Dubose Jones & Townsend is reducing its billing rates in current hourly-fee cases by 10%…