
Filing Excessive Lawsuits Cost Bernardo Roman His Law License

Filing Excessive Lawsuits Cost Bernardo Roman His Law License

Summary: A former lawyer for an Indian tribe in Florida lost his license after he filed bogus lawsuits for years…

Woman Incorrectly Labeled as Male Placed with Male Inmates

Woman Incorrectly Labeled as Male Placed with Male Inmates

Summary: A Dominican woman was sent to a Miami male prison after a nurse and officials viewed her characteristics as…

Medical Examiner Rules Teen Shot by Miami Beach Police Taser Died Accidental Cardiac Arrest

Medical Examiner Rules Teen Shot by Miami Beach Police Taser Died Accidental Cardiac Arrest

It was announced on Thursday that a young artist shot with a Taser stun gun by the Miami Beach Police…

Florida Court Allows Listing Three Parents in the Birth Certificate of a Child

After two years of legal battle, a lesbian couple and a gay sperm donor from Miami have settled their differences…