Edward Snowden, the man responsible for releasing National Security Agency documents revealing the existence of the PRISM data collection project emerged from...
Dubbed a hero by some, a traitor by others, Md. Pfc. Bradley Manning is finally facing justice for his leaking of hundreds...
On Thursday, the U.S. Justice Department announced that members of the U.S. military who had had their homes foreclosed unlawfully between 2006...
Though the military is being predictably tight-lipped about the incident, there is some news to go on regarding the Marine who shot...
Congress has been asked by the Justice Department to fix a legal issue that obstructs efforts to prosecute civilian contractors in Afghanistan...
Four army soldiers are being charged with executing a former member of their secret anarchist militia group to silence him. This anti-government...
It seems military intelligence is going in two directions, with Gen James Mattis eager to put a third carrier group in the...
A group of photos were released on Wednesday by the Los Angeles Times that reportedly show United States troops posing with remains...
UFO enthusiasts near Las Vegas may have a new destination ahead of them: the “Authentic Alien Artifact” display featured at the National...
Robert Bales, a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army, was recently accused of murdering 17 Afghan civilians. His wife, Karilyn Bales, spoke...
The soldier responsible for the massacre of 16 Afghan civilian men, women and children is that of Staff Sgt. Robert Bales. Bales...
The name of the soldier responsible for the massacre in the middle of the night in Afghanistan has still not been released...