
Minority Student Program at Rutgers Law Celebrates 50 Years

Minority Student Program at Rutgers Law Celebrates 50 Years

Summary: Rutgers Law School is celebrating its Minority Student Program and the difference the program has made at diversifying the…

Houston Lawyer Donates Money to Minority Bar Group after Racist Remarks

Houston Lawyer Donates Money to Minority Bar Group after Racist Remarks

Summary: A Houston litigator who went on a racist rant through emails will pay a large donation to a minority…

Yoss LLP To Dissolve At Month’s End

Yoss LLP To Dissolve At Month’s End

The largest minority-owned law firm in the United States will dissolve at the end of the month. According to an…

Gonzalez Saggio & Harlan Announce Nashville Office

Gonzalez Saggio & Harlan Announce Nashville Office

Gonzalez Saggio & Harlan LLP revealed today that they will be opening an office in Nashville, bringing in Nashville attorneys…