Summary: This woman from Florida knows how to seek revenge on her ex-husband, even if it landed her in jail. Thirty-two year...
Summary: Sports are taken very seriously by people of all ages, which is evident by the actions of one octogenarian in Florida...
Summary: A Florida inmate named Coffee used hot coffee as his weapon against a fellow inmate that was “annoying†him. Hi, my...
Summary: Uber driver drops off passengers and then proceeds to stalk their apartment, trying to break in during the early morning hours....
Summary: One man got punched twice in the face after complaining to a woman that talked through an entire showing of “Suicide...
Summary: The famed comedian of kid shows in the 80’s was arrested for masturbating in a theater during an adult-rated movie 25...
Summary: A Michigan man with an outstanding warrant thought playing the Pokemon Go game outside the police station was a safe place...
Summary: After forgetting to return a VHS rental in 2002, an arrest warrant was signed for a North Carolina man for failing...
Summary: No one enjoys their significant other stinking up the bed, but one woman took things too far when her husband continued...
Summary: Two employees have been charged in the escape of two convicted murderers last month from a New York correctional facility. The...
Summary: An Alabama woman was arrested after she offered to officiate the marriage of a same-sex couple that had just received their...