Summary: A school safety bill was introduced on Monday in response to the Parkland, Florida shooting. After the deadly shooting in Parkland,...
Summary: The controversial Nunes memo was released on Friday. The much-discussed memo written by Republican state representative, Devin Nunes, has finally been...
 Summary: The government shutdown may end soon. The government shutdown may be coming to an end. NBC News reported that the...
Summary: Accused pedophile Roy Moore wants to sue The Washington Post for writing a story about his alleged relationships with teenagers. Republican hopeful...
Summary: The “skinny repeal” of Obamacare was voted down in the Senate on Thursday evening. In the wee hours of the night,...
Summary: The GOP’s latest health care bill has been revealed to Senate voters. Republicans worked entirely in secret on the Senate health...
Two republicans fell for the old hot mic trick in which their “real†feelings about matters came out because nobody was listening....
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell proposed a vote on increasing the debt ceiling of the country on Thursday in a move to...
It’s official – today is the day the Supreme Court justices consider the widely debated challenge to the Obama administration’s health-care overhaul....