
Thursday Thoughts

Hey everyone! I hope you're all having a great week! Time for another round of thursday thoughts! 1. I woke…

Oh Hey!

Psssst. Anyone there? I’m baaaaaaaack! So my “break” from blogging extended a little further than I’d anticipated, mostly because my…

Thursday Thoughts

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all having a great week, mine is flying by! Although I have class Saturday so……

Thursday Thoughts

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all having a great week! My week is pretty good seeing as we don’t have…

Happy Birthday to My BFF

My best friend in the whole world (sorry to whoever is insulted by this) is turning TWO years old today!…

Thursday Thoughts

Hey everyone! Happy Thursday! I’ve got work to do, so let’s get to it: this week’s Thursday Thoughts! 1. Saturday…

Thursday Thoughts

My brain right now: alskdfjpas8yg98w3rtqwkjfnash;odivaos[hwo3hrkwjdfnas;odvi0wehownfas;divh08y0yas d s[89[83 woiedf 082y3[08ry[23. You’re welcome. 1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Why did I take so many classes…

Weekly Workouts & Baking!

Hello! I hope you’re all having a great weekend! I’ve got quite an eventful one over here, after Trivia Night…

Thursday Thoughts

Hey everyone! I hope you are all having good weeks, and remember the weekend is already here! I loved your…

Thursday Thoughts

Hola! I hope you’re all having a good Thursday! Not much to report here after a long day of classes,…

PicMonkey’s New Features

Kaixo! Yes, we’re back to international greetings… Anyone know where today’s comes from? Anyway, I hope you all had a…

HIIT Treadmill Running

Bonjour! I hope you all had a good start to your week! The weather has been a bit… dreary here…