Jenner & Block Call Google’s Subpoenas an Abuse of the Justice System

Jenner & Block Call Google’s Subpoenas an Abuse of the Justice System

Summary: Jenner & Block and their client the Motion Picture Association of America are accusing Google of overstepping themselves in…

Mississippi Attorney General Puts Legal Battle with Google on Hold

Mississippi Attorney General Puts Legal Battle with Google on Hold

Summary: Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood has put his legal fight with Google on hold for the time being after Google…

Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup

Good morning everyone! Today is Friday, November 19th. Here's a quick recap of yesterday's headlines. Greenberg Traurig announced that former Motion Pictures…

Former Motion Pictures Associations of America IP Counsel Joins Greenberg Traurig

Former Motion Pictures Associations of America IP Counsel Joins Greenberg Traurig

Greenberg Traurig announced today that Joseph Geisman has joined its Intellectual Property and Technology Practice as of counsel in the…

RIAA Lawyer Joins Venable LLP

George Borkowski, the ex-RIAA lawyer who helped torpedo the Napster and Grokster file-sharing services, is leaving a slimy trail to…