Russell Simmons’ Rape Accuser Claims MSNBC Tried to Bury Her Story

Summary: A woman claims that MSNBC tried to "slow walk" her sexual assault accusations against Russell Simmons and A.J. Calloway. …

Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski Claim Donald Trump Threatened Them

Summary: The hosts of MSNBC's Morning Joe claim Donald Trump tried to blackmail them. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezinkski have…

MSNBC Says Bye to Alec Bladwin

After ANOTHER homophobic tirade earlier this month, MSNBC has finally decided to cut Alec Baldwin, who hosted the poorly-rated weekly…

Brand Insults MSNBC Hosts after Feeling Insulted

Comedian Russell Brand’s appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe talk show on Monday erupted into a bout of passive aggressive versus…

MSNBC Dominated by Opinion Shows

A new study from the Pew Research Center's annual "State of the Media" shows that MSNBC relies more on opinion…

MSNBC Receives Heat Over Edited Mitt Romney Video

On Tuesday, Andrew Mitchell addressed a controversy regarding an edited clip of Mitt Romney on her MSNBC show, which received…

Chris Hayes Issues Apology for ‘Heroes’ Comments

Chris Hayes, from MSNBC, caused a bit of a controversy over the weekend when he said that he was ‘uncomfortable’…

Roger Ailes, Fox News Chief, Criticizes Jon Stewart

The chief of Fox News, Roger Ailes, has made some interesting comments about television show host Jon Stewart and they…

Tim Carney Verbally Attacked by Tamron Hall on MSNBC

Tamron Hall, from MSNBC, shot down her guest, Tim Carney, this past Friday during a heated exchange that caused her…

Lawyer for George Zimmerman is a No-Show on MSNBC Program

Lawrence O’Donnell, from MSNBC, was scheduled to interview the lawyer for George Zimmerman, Craig Sonner, on Monday night. Instead of…