
Clifford Chance Employee Creates Online Diatribe Against “Apologetic” Muslims

Clifford Chance Employee Creates Online Diatribe Against “Apologetic” Muslims

Summary: Aysh Chaudhry, an employee of Clifford Chance , has created a video diatribe following the attacks on Charlie Hebdo in…

Federal Judge Stops Genital Searches in Guantanamo

On Thursday, Royce Lambert, chief judge of the U.S. District Court in Washington issued a 35-page opinion criticizing genital searches…

FBI Overreact To Saudi Student Carrying a Pressure Cooker

FBI Overreact To Saudi Student Carrying a Pressure Cooker

The FBI is steamed about these pressure cookers, ever since the Tsarnaev brothers deployed two pressure cooker bombs to injure…

Arkansas GOP Proposes the U.S. Instate the Death Penalty for Rebellious Children

Arkansas GOP Proposes the U.S. Instate the Death Penalty for Rebellious Children

Some people vote for candidates who support their principles and convictions. Perhaps others vote for entertainment purposes, choosing the most…

Anti-Islam Film Maker Arrested For Probation Violation

Anti-Islam Film Maker Arrested For Probation Violation

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the maker of the notorious film "Innocence of Muslims," which inspired violence and rage in Muslim nations,…

Victoria Jackson Claiming Muslim Brotherhood Overtaking U.S.

Victoria Jackson Claiming Muslim Brotherhood Overtaking U.S.

Victoria Jackson, the former Saturday Night Live cast member, obtained confidential information that she had special clearance for while working…